Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ta da!

Well, I wanted to try and be a little more grown-up an I didn't want to do anything that required TOO much responsibility, so I made a blog for our family. I also did it so my friend Charisse would have another blog to read so she wouldn't get as bored. I'll post pictures here, write about the struggles of being a mom, and generally keep you apprised (which is the opposite of surprised! I figured that out all by myself!) of the happenings in our household.

So here's the latest news: Little J has a tooth! It's hard to see in this picture, but it's there, right on the bottom. He got it about a week ago, and to be honest, I didn't know he was teething. He chomps on anything that comes within a two foot radius of his mouth, including (but not limited to) hair, plastic cups, baby toothbrushes (thanks again to my friend Staci), milk jug caps, clothing, ears, noses, and his toy buffalo. We buy him all these fancy toys, and his favorite thing to play with is a cup. Oh well, at least he's having fun! He's also in a very grabby stage and will reach like his life depends on it for anything in the aforementioned radius.

Well that's all for now. I've got to go feed the babe before he actually ingests his fingers.

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