Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dr. No

Well, guess what. Little J learned his first word. Wanna know what it is? Of course you do! It's, "NO!"

Since he's been crawling all over the house, he's been getting into things that he shouldn't be (potted plants, kitchen cabinets, craft supply boxes, potted plants again, the TOILET! Yuck.) we've been telling him, "No thank you!" and removing him from the situation. I think that he thinks that we're just providing a narrative to his adventure and not actually disciplining him, because now he'll do those same things and say "no" while shaking his head. It's SO adorable, yet SO frustrating. Wait, I think that sums up all of my feelings about parenting up to this point.

But, if I'm trying to give him another bite, and he's done eating, he'll also say "no", so that's what makes me think that he's grasping what the word means. I tried to capture this phenomenon on camera, but alas, Little J is not a performing baby. He does shake his head a few times though!


  1. Wow! He is SO talkative and fun! Has he always said so many different things? Or is this a development over the last month or so? Charlie definitely doesn't make any of those specific sounds... so I'm just wondering if that's normal at 7 months :)

  2. haha, how cute! I can't believe you're encouraging this "no" business! our babies are growing up so fast! James is super adorable :)

  3. Alex - James wasn't much of a babbler until a couple of months ago, so I think Charlie is totally fine. One day he just decided to start making LOTS of noises, so don't worry, it's coming soon.

    Rachel - You bet we're encouraging this "no" business! Although we really shouldn't be, it's so cute, I can't help myself. We're also trying to teach him other stuff, like "dog" so hopefully he'll learn that soon and we can move on from "no".
